Benefits related to representation:

  • Business-related positioning of the Partner: active participation in panel discussions and presentations
  • Participation in the work of the Advisory Boards: positioning among the key figures in the market, influencing the content of discussions undertaken

Marketing benefits:

  • Logos in event materials: electronic brochure, conference materials, emails
  • Brand exposure at the event:
    • main screens, LCD TVs
    • walls, roll-ups, stands, materials, gadgets, hostesses

Media benefits:

  • Opportunity to place material prepared by Partner in the event newsroom
  • Promotion on social media platforms
  • Personalized emailing

Additional benefits:

  • Match-making – a dedicated networking system with designated event participants, with engagement from an organizer representative


Tomasz Petruk
Vice Director of Business Development Department
Senior Project Manager
kom: +48 +48 533 330 395

See the report from the partners of the previous edition of the Data Economy Congress