Press Accreditation Guidelines
1. General Rules
1.1 Press accreditation allows free participation in the Congress, including access to lectures and conference materials.
1.2 Contact regarding accreditation should be made exclusively via email at:
1.3 Accreditation is personal and cannot be transferred to third parties.
2. Accreditation Conditions
2.1 Accreditation is granted only to actively working journalists collaborating regularly with the editorial team indicated in the accreditation form.
2.2 To obtain accreditation, you must:
Fill out the accreditation form available on the Congress website under the "Accreditation" tab.
Publish information about the Congress on your website/channel/profile and send the link to:, or submit a statement to commit to publishing material related to the Congress no later than two weeks after its conclusion.
Provide the name of the editorial team and a link to the editorial website in the accreditation form.
2.3 The organizer makes the decision about granting accreditation based on the completed form. Participants will be informed about the outcome electronically no later than two weeks before the Congress.
2.4 Each editorial team can apply for a maximum of three accreditations (for a journalist, photographer, and camera operator). In exceptional cases, additional accreditations may be granted after prior notification to:
2.5 The organizer does not provide accommodation or meals to accredited participants.
2.6 The accreditation form will be active until the day of the Congress. Submissions on the day of the Congress are possible, but responses to requests may be delayed. If you are unable to attend the Congress, please notify the organizer by sending an email to:
2.7 Editorial teams can register several journalists, but each accreditation must correspond to a separate panel. Each accreditation is equivalent to one publication. The journalist will receive their ID for registration 15 minutes before the panel of interest starts and is obliged to return the ID immediately after the panel ends.
3. Rules for Using Accreditation
3.1 Accreditation is valid only for the person it was granted to and may only be used for press purposes related to the Congress.
3.2 Accredited journalists are required to:
Wear the identification badge visibly during the Congress.
Adhere to journalistic ethics and professionalism.
Inform the organizer about publications related to the Congress by sending links or copies of the materials to:
3.3 Audio, video recording, and photographing the Congress are allowed, but video footage from panels/speeches must not exceed 1.5 minutes.
3.4 Journalists must not disrupt the Congress, disturb other participants, invade their privacy, or force them to answer questions.
3.5 In the case of changing the accredited person, the absence should be reported to the organizer's email address, and the new participant must complete the accreditation form.
4. Publication Guidelines
4.1 Editorial teams publishing text materials (interviews, speaker statements, reports, etc.) are required to mention that the material is from the Congress.
4.2 The editorial team is obligated to publish materials related to the Congress no later than 14 days after its conclusion, or, if this deadline is not feasible due to the publishing schedule, in the nearest issue of the magazine. The organizer should be notified of the planned publication date by sending an email to:
5. Rights and Obligations of the Organizer
5.1 The organizer reserves the right to:
Reject an accreditation request without providing a reason.
Monitor published materials related to the Congress.
Make changes to the Congress program.
Update the regulations, with the latest version available on the official Congress website.
5.2 The organizer will provide accredited journalists with "PRESS" identification badges and press materials, including photos from the Congress.
5.3 In case of non-compliance with the terms of this regulation, the organizer has the right to deny accreditation for the next Congress edition.
6. Personal Data Processing
6.1 Accreditation applicants consent to:
The processing of personal data in accordance with the Act of May 10, 2018 (Journal of Laws 2018, item 1000) and the GDPR to the extent necessary for the accreditation process.
The addition of their email address to the organizer's database and receiving newsletters.
The recording of their image in the form of photographs, internet streaming, and video recordings during the Congress.
7. Final Provisions
7.1 Journalists are required to inform their publications that the materials are from the Congress.
7.2 The organizer reserves the right to refuse accreditation to media that do not meet the event's profile requirements, are not updated, or have reported an excessive number of participants.
7.3 In matters not regulated by these rules, the provisions of universally applicable law, particularly the Civil Code, shall apply.